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I've always liked the quote, "We die two deaths. One when our body dies and one another when we are no longer remembered." When I die, I want to be remembered as someone who loved my friends, family, and pets deeply, and that I did everything I could to make the world a better place with my actions. That extends into the workplace with the tools that I build to help others.

A few of the causes that I believe in:

  • LGBTQ+ rights and equality
  • Climate change, reducing our footprints, and replanting forests
  • Helping the impovershed and less fortunate
  • Animal sanctuaries
  • Disaster relief
  • Cancer research


Locks of Love

When the Covid pandemic happened, I wanted to take advantage of the full-remote work so I decided to grow out my hair to donate to Locks of Love. Cancer has run in my family and I have family members who actively have cancer. My heart goes out to those affected by cancer directly or indirectly.

Before After


Girls Who Code

At the end of 2020, I initiated a fundraiser that raised over $6,000 for Girls Who Code.

Girls Who Code Girls Who Code

Save The Family

In 2020, I initiated a fundraiser that raised $500 for Save The Family through a music competition.

Save The Family - Fundraising

Additional Recent Participation

  • Taji 100 (2024) - Empowering veterans to stay active and healthy
  • AIDS Walk (2023)
  • Taji 100 (2023)
  • Ukraine Crisis, Wikipedia, WHO, Save the Family, National Forest Foundation, Humane Society, Salvation Army + Red Cross, Feed My Starving Children

Save The Family - Volunteering